The title ‘Petrichor,' is also a poetic way of describing the smell of earth after it has rained. The word is made up of the Greek petra, meaning 'stone', and ichor, the blood of the gods in Greek Mythology. Inspired by Ovid's poem 'Metamorphoses,' featuring the tale of Pygmalion, a sculptor who makes an ivory statue representing his ideal woman. When he falls in love with his own creation, the goddess Aphrodite brings the statue to life in answer to the sculptor's desperate pleas. In this project, the photographer’s narrative weaves the gift of life into statues, and we witness them in the midst of transformation. The first thing these sculptures awake to are the elements of nature that surround them, exhibiting a sense of curiosity and appreciation for the small mundane things which often escape us. There is hope that the viewers would begin to value more the little things in life that at first don't seem significant.


Beyond the Veil


Fast Fashion